
sponsor a vanpool

Show them you care. Help get your employees get to and from work with an employer-sponsored vanpool. We offer employers the opportunity to pay a monthly vanpool fare for a group of their employees. When you choose to sponsor a Club Red vanpool for your employees, you will work with an experienced program with demonstrated employer partnerships, including Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area, Stevens-Henager College, and more,


Reduce parking needs


Recruit & retain talent


Boost morale & productivity


Demonstrate environmental leadership


Get Started

  1. Consider which employees may take advantage of vanpooling. We’ll assist with address maps, surveys, and on-site events to help identify the commute options and routes that work best for your organization. Schedule a consultation.

  2. Complete an employer Sponsored Vanpool Agreement. All expenses, including fuel, insurance, maintenance, and more are included in the vanpool fare.

  3. Create vanpool groups based on common routes, work schedules, and driver availability. Commuteride will provide driver training and vanpool orientation after an eligible volunteer driver is selected. Submit a Driver Application.

BOGUS BASIN mountain recreation area - SPONSORED VANPOOLS

Since 2017, Commuteride and Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area have partnered to provide vanpools for mountain staff in summer and winter seasons. The employees enjoy the ease of their commute and in turn, high-demand parking is reserved for visitors. The success of our employer-sponsored vanpool program with Bogus Basin resulted in additional work to offer priority carpool parking. Together, we have helped achieve Bogus Basin’s sustainability goals.

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For more information, see Vanpool FAQs.